I wish, I dream, I change

I wish I had a million dollars.

I dream of financial freedom, bills paid, houses owned, retirement in the bank.

I CHANGE the number of times I head to Starbucks, buy a new pair of shoes, or go to the movies.


I wish I had an extra hour or two in the day

I dream of more time to do the things I want to do.

I CHANGE my day, my to-do list, my priorities to get the most out of the time I have.


I wish I was thinner, fitter, stronger.

I dream of fitting into the smaller clothes hanging in my closet.

I CHANGE what I eat, when I eat, and how I exercise to get there.


I wish to be better than I am–a better writer, a better listener, a better friend, a better mom, a better wife.

I dream of happiness and no stress, projects done, a life moving at an easy pace.

I CHANGE my direction, my goals, my ideas and embrace gratitude, guidance, and love.


Dreams are fluid, change is difficult, and wishes won’t get you anywhere.  Knowing what you dream and embracing the change it takes to get there is half the battle to achieving your dreams.

4 thoughts on “I wish, I dream, I change

  1. Great slice! I like the realization that if you don’t do anything – a wish will always be a wish and a dream will always be a dream! And sometimes…you just learn to be content with what you have and who you are! 🙂

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